
Free money from the taxman – A Friendly Introduction to the Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS)

To encourage local tax-payers to save more for their retirement, the Government has implemented the Supplementary Retirement Scheme or SRS, a powerful tool for retirement planning. Why contribute to SRS? The higher your tax bracket, the more savings you will have if you contribute to SRS. A Singaporean or permanent resident can contribute up to … Read more

How to adequately support aging parents in 21st Century Singapore

The struggles of being in the sandwiched class are that you will need to manage children’s education and your parent’s finances. This article describes some of the issues that I dealt with before. It is by no means exhaustive, and my family’s specific situation may often influence my solution. I highlight some key issues that … Read more

Can having a Disney+ and Netflix subscription be guilt-free?

The mathematics of early retirement can be too daunting for beginners, so one way to get yourself started on your journey is to find small but meaningful ways to make life improvements.  One recent development for Singaporeans is the entry of Disney+ into video streaming, but that creates a problem for Singaporeans who already have … Read more